How to Prolong the Life of your Wood Trailer

Open wood deck utility trailers can serve many purposes, from hauling weekend project materials to toting lawn equipment. In general, these versatile trailers are less expensive than trailers that have a metal flatbed, particularly when bought on the used market. While a wood deck may not be as durable as its metal counterpart, it can have a prolonged life when properly maintained and cared for. Below are some tips to help you do this:
Good remorque a bois or wood trailers use boards instead of plywood sheets to make a sturdy and stable deck. However, both of these styles require similar care. There is no need to get rid of a trailer or pass on a god used trailer deal just because it has a crumbling plywood sheet or a few rotten boards. With a screwdriver, every board should be poked to see if it’s sturdy or starting to rot and fall apart. It is also important to look for obvious signs of decay like a major splintering or cracks. Any damaged board must be pried and replaced with new pieces. Wood that has been pressure-treated is a great option because it is less prone to rot. The wood can be attached to the main trailer frame with lag bolts to give you a new deck.
Protect the Wood from Weathering
This is important to prevent a lot of forms of rot. Invest in wood sealers made for outdoor decking and fences. Keep in mind that it must be applied to both the trailer’s upper and bottom surface because water spray from the road can damage the deck. Usually, trailers experience heavier usage than a fence so you may have to apply sealers more frequently than what you the label says. Generally, the sealer must be reapplied when water is not beading on the wood’s surface.
Protect the Wood from Leaks
Some things are tougher on wood than others. For instance, oil leaks from lawn equipment or small vehicles can soak into the wood and cause damage. To counter this problem, consider laying down a heavy rubber trailer or garage mate under the equipment to catch any possible leaks. Also, you can line the entire wood deck with a mat to protect it against damage from the items being hauled. Just ensure to remove the mat during wet weather to prevent moisture from being trapped under the mat and damage the wood.